The late Professor Joseph Kampé de Fériet was a famous scientist in France. His works range from pure mathematics, fluide mechanics, theory of turbulence, statistical mechanics to information theory. He was a professor at the University of Science and Technology of Lille and a correspondant of the French Academy of Sciences. He was also a member of the Spanish Academy of Sciences. His latest work was centered around the theory of semantic information with, perhaps, a vision for applications to humanistic systems. He died in the 80s. To pay homage to his memory, we have decided to create a Kampé de Fériet Award, for the recognition of significant works in this spirit, which bring an exceptional contribution to the field of information processing and management of uncertainty. It is given on the occasion of each IPMU Conference.
To celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of Artificial Intelligence, Jacques PITRAT (CNRS, Paris, France) received the IPMU special award “Fifty years of Artificial Intelligence” in 2006 for his seminal work on artificial intelligence, started in 1960 and his ongoing influential research and teaching.